Making friends with Zagreb bite by bite

Janie Swingle: “My guide to Croatia”

Day trip to the wineries of Plešivica — Croatian wine isn’t widely known outside of Croatia because its wine regions are, as our local guide put it, “boutique.” The winemakers are families passionate about wine but not producing on a scale large enough for export. Thus, you really have to visit Croatia to taste its wine. Book a tour with Zagrebites to visit some wineries and restaurants in the Plešivica region, a bluer version of Tuscany’s rolling, golden hills. You can’t really DIY the wine country here, though, because the wineries are so small and locally focused that you need an experienced guide to set up tastings and know where to go. You’ll learn a lot about the region, its people, and its history even if you don’t consider yourself a wine connoisseur.

Janie Swingle

from: My guide to Croatia 

Eatistria is LGBT friendly